Forum Rules

This forum is an online discussion platform where users can post questions, ideas, and engage in conversations within posts and threads. We promote friendly, respectful, and healthy discussions where users can share their experiences, strategies, and express themselves.

Please do not take or give legal, medical, or financial advice on this forum. Your topic name should be descriptive and include a summary of your question in the subject. Avoid creating topics for clickbait purposes.

Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and may result in being blocked from the forum. Posts that are purely promotional in nature, self-promoting, or contain spam will not be allowed, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for any type of spam, including but not limited to sending private messages to different users or requesting personal information.

Ensure that your posts and topics are relevant to the forum and of high quality, and stay on topic with relevant and constructive conversations. Do not post any copyrighted material without the owner’s permission, including but not limited to images, quotes, or text.

Avoid posting the same question in multiple forums and make sure your topic and post are relevant to the forum. Before creating a new topic, please check if a similar one already exists.

Hackney Directory is not responsible for the accuracy of content posted on this forum, but we will do our best to remove any content that violates our guidelines. We reserve the right to delete posts containing any of the following:

  • False or fake information
  • Misleading or inaccurate information
  • Outdated information
  • Profanity, sexually explicit, or pornographic material
  • Bullying, violence, harassment, or malicious and false information that may cause harm
  • Unethical, immoral, or illegal activities or behavior
  • Defamatory, demeaning, or discriminatory information against someone’s age, political beliefs, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or disability
  • Disrespectful or derogatory content about another business or their staff
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, and database rights) of any other party
  • Copied word-for-word content from another website, even if it is your own website
  • Promotion or glorification of illegal drugs, counterfeit goods, contraband, or illegal weapons
  • Display of information that infringes on a business or person’s personal data
  • Soliciting.